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How to use fluorescence spectrophotometer

Jan 16,2024

Fluorescence spectrophotometer is the most common experimental instrument, mainly used to analyze the components of substances that generate fluorescence after being excited by a light source or after chemical treatment. It is widely used in detecting food safety and natural environment pollution.

micro volume spectrophotometer 

General steps for using fluorescence spectrometer:

1. Preparation

First, make sure that the fluorescence spectrophotometer is in good working condition and check whether the light source, detector and other components are normal. Prepare the samples and corresponding solutions to be measured.

2. Instrument settings

According to the experimental needs, select the appropriate fluorescence measurement mode, and set the excitation wavelength of the light source and the receiving wavelength range of the detector.

3. Zero point calibration

Zero the fluorescence spectrophotometer, that is, perform a zero point calibration without a sample to ensure that the baseline signal is zero.

4. Place the sample

Place the sample cell or quartz cuvette containing the solution to be measured into the sample chamber of the photometer and keep it stable.

5. Program settings

According to the experimental requirements, set the corresponding measurement parameters on the computer or instrument panel, including spectral scanning range, integration time, excitation and receiving light filters, etc.

6. Start measuring

Start the instrument measurement program, control the light source to illuminate the sample at the corresponding excitation wavelength, and then the detector receives the fluorescence signal emitted by the sample.

7. Data processing

According to the measurement mode, data such as the emission spectrum and fluorescence lifetime of the sample can be obtained. As needed, corresponding data processing methods can be used to perform operations such as fluorescence intensity correction and background subtraction.

8. Analysis and interpretation

Analyze and interpret the measurement results, such as determining the position and intensity of the fluorescence peak, or calculating fluorescence lifetime parameters.

double beam spectrophotometer 

It should be noted that when operating a fluorescent spectrometer, it is necessary to avoid the sample being exposed to strong light, avoid the influence of external interference factors, and maintain a stable measurement environment to ensure accurate and reliable measurement results.

digital photometer